Witmer Motor Service began in 1964 in the two-car garage of Arnold Witmer. This one-man shop served the rural community of Martindale, Pennsylvania. The need for phase converters was one of the demands which Mr. Witmer was prepared to meet.

Over the years many static and rotary converters were designed, built and installed in the Martindale community. As the electric motor sales and service business grew and expanded beyond a two-car garage so the need for converters increased. As this growth unfolded, two sons, Marvin and David, entered the business, in 1982 after the death of Mr. Witmer, the brothers saw a need to establish a line of converters for off-the-shelf sales to supply the ever-growing demand of the rural industry. That day WMS Rotary Phase Converters was born.

Drawing from years of experience in sizing, designing, and building custom units this new stock line came naturally to the Witmers. Early in 2001 WMS began marketing their phase converters under the new Maxiphase trade name. WMS continues to supply alternative three phase power across the nation. Units are heavy duty, dependable and competitively priced.

WMS continues to be a family owned and operated business. The Witmer family today is grateful to God for the heritage of diligence, initiative and Christian faith which enabled Mr. Witmer to establish this business. This heritage lives today as WMS continues to provide alternative three phase power for America's rural industries.

We at WMS say "thank you" to our many valued customers who have chosen our products. We are committed to "excellence in our products", "promptness in our service" and "courtesy in our relationships".

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